Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Motor Spacer Plate

When we installed the motor last month, we didn't know the exact spacing needed between the motor and transmission. For our low speed test drive we had to add a few washers.

Although it worked for the test, it was not a long term solution. The gap between motor and adaptor plate allowed dust and water to get inside. The 3 washers we used were almost exactly 1/4", so I went ahead and ordered a 8" x 8" x 1/4" aluminum plate to make a spacer plate.

Luckily I had dinner plates 8" in diameter as well, and we can't forget my trusty Subway cup.

Similar to the adaptor plate, I used my jig saw and lots of WD-40 to cut the spacer plate.

By the way, permanent marker lines drawn on aluminum wipe away quite easily after they've been soaked with WD-40. I strongly recommend etching the shape you want with a flat head screwdriver or similar so that your lines don't disappear before the blade reaches them.

I used my adaptor plate as a guide for the motor mounting holes.

And then checked the fit on the motor. Despite using the adaptor as a template, I still had to go back with the drill and jig-saw to increase the hole size.

And the finished product! Quite a step up from a bunch of washers.

And the transmission side... I'm using a lock washer, a regular washer, and threadlock fluid so my bolts won't loosen over time.

Before I can remount the motor in the car, I've got a bit of work to do on the coupler that you'll see in my next post. I'm hoping the next time I mount the motor will be the last!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Rear Seat

Originally in the Spitfire, the only protection between the driver's head and the gas tank was a thin fabric cushion. Now that the gas tank is gone, again the only thing between my batteries in the trunk and the driver's head is that thin fabric cushion. It would be nice to have a little more protection from flying battery acid.

Here's a view of the trunk from the driver's seat with the rear cushion removed.

I measured out the size of the opening, and dug up a 1/4" sheet of wood from my storage room.

After short work with the jig saw, the wood was cut to size. I picked up some fasteners from Home Depot and bolted the sheet into place.

I then bolted the cushion (which desperately needs to be reupholstered) onto my wood sheet.

Not too bad. In the future I'll replace the wood with a thin sheet of aluminum. I'll be able to use the current piece as a template to make the metal work easier.

Very shortly I'll be posting an electrical diagram for my car. I've been working on it the past couple weeks, but I'm waiting on some more feedback before I post it for all to see. I don't want someone to see a flawed draft schematic and use that for their car.